A conceptual project for the play A Delicate Balance by Edward Albee. The design looks to highlight the contrast between social perception of the characters and their decent into madness. Includes AutoCAD draftings, Renderings, and a 3D model for the scenic package.

Scenic Design

A Delicate Balance

Scenic Design

Dust a University of Florida School of Theater Production was a bleak and abstract play about the gun violence that take place in schools all over the United States. This project for which I did the scenic design I supplied AutoCAD draftings, a 3D SketchUp model, and renderings. As well as, assisting with building and painting of the realized plans and oversaw the design through the rehearsal process.


Play By Danielle Mohlman

I assisted designer Stephen Menard on the Music Man providing documentation such as a scenic breakdown, prop breakdown, and budgeting files. As well as assisting on the AutoCad drafting, the Shapr3D model, and the Paint Elevations.

Stage Design

The Music Man

Stage Design

The Odyssey Theme TEDXUF conference took place in April 2024. For this stage design project, renderings were provided as well as AutoCAD draftings after meeting with the leaders of the organization.


Conceptual Renderings and Scenic Paintings